BC External Fine Arts Credits
The BC Ministry of Education offers external credits that can be applied to Fine Arts 10, 11 and 12 for certain dance certification. Only those external credentials that have been reviewed and approved by the Ministry can be applied toward graduation.
The following lists the Royal Academy of Dance levels recognized as External Credits by the BC Ministry of Education. Each level provides 4 credits towards the Graduation program in Fine Arts 10, 11 or 12. An official RAD Exam Certificate must be presented to your school in order for the credits to be applied for the corresponding course code as noted below.
- •URAD 10: RAD Intermediate Foundation
- URAD 11: RAD Intermediate
- URAD 12A: RAD Advanced Foundation or Advanced 1
- URAD 12B: RAD Advanced 1 or Advanced 2
(Note: Advanced 1 can only be applied either in URAD 12A or 12B, not both)
The following lists the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing levels available at FVAD and recognized as External Credits by the BC Ministry of Education. Each level provides 4 credits towards the Graduation program in Fine Arts 10, 11 or 12. An official ISTD Exam Certificate must be presented to your school in order for the credits to be applied for the corresponding course code as noted below.
- UIDMT 10: ISTD Intermediate Modern
- UIDMT 11: ISTD Advanced 1 Modern
- UIDMT 12: ISTD Advanced 2 Modern
- UIDT-11: ISTD Intermediate Tap
- UIDT-2A: ISTD Advanced I Tap
- UIDT-2B: ISTD Advanced 2 Tap
BC Government Website – Earning Post Secondary Credits
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