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What are Pre-Approved Classes?

January 1, 2016

Pre-approved classes make life easier for everyone!  

With Pre-Approved classes, there is no guessing which classes to take next, or which new class a student might be able to try for the next season.  It’s all provided for you in a simple list for each student in your online account.  Select the classes you want from the list, click Enrol, and you’re set for the new school year!

Following our class assessments in March each year, we generate report cards that are then sent out to each family.  We also determine the placements (the class options) for the next season for each student based on their assessment for their current level.

Once these placements are done, and the new season’s schedule is complete, families will find a list of all pre-approved classes for each student in their online account.

Pre-approved classes are the classes that each student is eligible to take in the next school season.  These will include classes that students are currently taking, as well as all possible classes that they are eligible to take but perhaps haven’t taken before.

For example, an 8 year old student currently in ballet will be pre-approved for their next year’s ballet class, as well as all Musical Theatre, Musicals, Modern-Jazz, National Dance and Conditioning classes as available for 8 year olds.

Enrolling in your Pre-Approved Classes is as easy as 1-2-3!

  1. Log in to your online account
  2. Select “Enrol in my PreApproved Classes” to choose your classes
  3. Complete the checkout process

Be aware that PreApproved does not mean Guaranteed!

There are still limited spaces in each class.  Once a class full, even preapproved students will be put on the waiting list.

Please register as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

Need more help?  View these related posts:

How to Log in to your FVAD Online Account

How to Enrol in a Class