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School Show 2017 – Cast Lists

April 30, 2017

Our Annual School Performances are June 24, 2017 at the Clarke Theatre.    Check the School Show 2017 cast lists below to know who is performing in which role in which show.

There are two Saturday shows:

  • Primary-Junior School Show at 11am
  • Junior-Senior School Show at 3pm

The cast lists for each show can be viewed here…  

  • School Show (Primary-Junior) Casts 2016-17 (last updated June 3, 2017)
    • Classes: All Pre-School Dance, Pre-Primary Ballet, Primary Ballet, Grade 1 Ballet, Pre-Primary Jazzy Tappers, Primary Jazzy Tappers, Junior Jazzy Tappers, Jr Modern, Primary Musical Theatre, Junior Musical Theatre, Junior Choir, Senior Choir, Junior Musicals, Senior Musicals, PPA Students, Hooked on Classics II
  • School Show (Junior-Senior) Casts 2016-17 (last updated June 3, 2017)
    • Classes: Grade 2 Ballet,Grade 3 Ballet, Grade 4 Ballet,Grade 5 Ballet, Int-Adv Youth Ballet, Grade 2-3 Modern, Grade 4 Modern, Grade 5-6 Modern, Int-Adv Modern, Grade 3-4 Tap, Grade 5-Sr Tap, Contemporary I, Contemporary II, Contemporary III, Junior Choir, Senior Choir, Junior Musicals, Senior Musicals, PPA Students, Hooked on Classics II
  • Hooked On Classics II: (Isabella Almarez, Taylor Blois, Abigail Delves, Andrew Delves, Priscilla Gubiotti, Grace Loewen, Anna Neudorf, Elle Penner, Tiffany Reitsema, Carissa Selbie, Amanda Sheffield, Jessica Sheffield, Seira Shimamura, Ann Li Jie Vennes-Ouellet, Alycia Wilson)

Be sure to check carefully so that you know which show(s) your child is in.  If you purchase tickets for the wrong show, please contact the office as soon as possible so that we can exchange your tickets while seats are still available.

Several students perform in both shows (Primary-Junior and Junior-Senior).  When a student is performing in both shows, we offer their parents two free tickets to the second show.  Please contact the office for your free tickets if this applies to you.

As we wish to encourage our students to enjoy the performances of our other students, our currently-enrolled students may have a free ticket to watch a show that they are not performing in.  For example, if they are performing in the Jr-Sr show, and want to watch their friend or sibling in the Primary Show, they will receive a free ticket.  Please contact the office to arrange for your child’s free ticket.  You can also purchase the tickets that you need and request the reimbursement afterwards.  This is sometimes easier to ensure that you get the seats together than you want.

In most cases, students performing in a show must remain backstage rather than join the audience at an interval. This is due to limited seat availability and short interval times for changing.  In some cases, it is possible to collect your child and have them join you for the remainder of the performance.  Please contact the office if you are wishing to do this, to determine if it will be possible.  You must have arranged a seat for the student ahead of time in this case.

Rehearsal schedules for our Production Week leading up to the shows will be available shortly.

To purchase tickets, please view the Event listing for the School Shows.

Please contact the office if you have any questions at all.  Thank you!