Training at other Dance Studios
To maintain a high quality in both training and presentations, it is essential that students and teachers are committed to their classes, rehearsals, and performances. Injuries can be avoided with a consistent and professional approach to training which may not be comparable across all studios. As such, there may be limits within the FVAD programs for students’ training at other dance studios.
As students’ class hours increase, their training advances and their performances become more complex. It can then become difficult to accommodate the schedules or training styles of other studios. While only a small number of students at FVAD take classes elsewhere, it is important for those families to be aware that limitations may exist.
When students are needed for events or rehearsals elsewhere, they may be unable to commit to their FVAD class and rehearsal schedules. Such absences introduce difficulties for teachers preparing students for performances, as well as for the other students who commit to rehearsing together with their class.
FVAD will always be as accommodating as possible to enable families to have the ultimate choice in their child’s dance program. However, while students attending other studios may certainly enrol in classes at FVAD, they may need to be excused from some performances, and also from being class assistants, which require a 100% commitment.
In addition, as the Academy Master Classes provide specialized training for students above their current level, students must be fully committed to the Academy programs. They must be taking the recommended classes at their ballet level before being accepted into the Academy program. It is solely at the discretion of the Artistic Director whether or not to accept a student into his Academy Master Classes while training at another studio.